City of Fulton

Directory area code and prefix available at City of Fulton

Directory Numbers

In the United States and Canada, telephone numbers are typically 10 digits long and are structured as follows:

  • (Area Code) + (Prefix) + (Line Number)
  • Area Code:

    This is a three-digit number that represents a specific geographic region. Some area codes cover entire states or provinces, while others cover smaller regions, particularly in more densely populated areas.

    Prefix (Central Office Code):

    The prefix, or central office code, is the three-digit number that comes after the area code. It narrows down the location further and can sometimes identify a specific town or city, though mobile phone prefixes are not tied to specific geographic regions anymore.

  • County: Kalamazoo 269-778
  • County: Fulton 270-468
  • County: Fulton 270-472
  • County: Fulton 270-355
  • County: Fulton 270-838
  • County: Oswego 315-592
  • County: Oswego 315-593
  • County: Oswego 315-598
  • County: Stark 330-854
  • County: Callaway 573-592
  • County: Callaway 573-642
  • County: Itawamba 662-652
  • County: Itawamba 662-282
  • County: Itawamba 662-862
  • County: Itawamba 662-585
  • County: Fulton 731-806
  • County: Fulton 731-469
  • County: Fulton 731-479
  • County: Whiteside 815-589
  • County: Hempstead 870-896